22 October 2009

PHOTO BLOG | season recap through the lens...

So to sum up my season and to catch up on the blog updates, I have uploaded some pics to summarize this season. It turned out to be a decent year but I am definitely looking forward to 2010 as I begin my off season training once again. How the time flies!

Started the '09 season with the Cherry Blossom stage race. This is stage 1 in the chilly and windy area of The Dalles.

During the season I participated in quite a few of the local Wednesday night crits. It was a great way to incorporate some intensity mid week while having a great time with guys I frequently ride with!

Next on the schedule was the Rehearsal RR where I was planning on riding aggressively and tried to get in the break. The break was established but unfortunately I missed it. Just another learning experience.

I also guest rode with the Safeway/Bicycles Plus team. Thanks to David for introducing me to Jonathan and the rest of the team. Good group of guys and fun to race with. This was during the Elkhorn Stage Race criterium. Made it into a few breaks but nothing stuck. Ended up breaking my bike this weekend which almost dropped me to my knees. Thank you CALFEE for the fix!

The race I anticipated the most out of the season was the Cascade Cycling Classic. My goal for this season was to finish the Pro/1 category which I was able to do. I was the lanterne rouge, but hey, I was determined to finish and wasn't one of the 90 DNF's.

The crit is always my favorite stage of the CCC. So much energy from the crowd and the adrenaline is always pumping. I wasn't too stoked about the course this year as it wasn't as technical. Hopefully they make it a little more interesting next year.

Less than a week after the CCC were the Elite Nationals RR and TT. I fared well given the short amount of recovery. Next year, I plan on doing better and setting higher goals for myself. Definitely want to tear it up on the home turf!

After one of my main peaks of the season, mentally and physically, I raced in the Portland Twilight Crit. It was a new experience racing the super technical course in downtown Portland. It was an urban crash fest as there was pretty much a crash every few laps. Now I know why the crowds were so big. I stayed upright and ended the weekend with a family BBQ.

One of the highlights toward the end of the season was finishing 2nd in the Oregon Crit Championships. Rode super aggressive and ended up in the right break.

After the season came along the threshold testing with Herriott Sports Performance. Let's just say it's a bit difficult to push yourself so hard after ending the season. But squared away some numbers, a strength plan, and goals for 2010 with TH. It's gonna be a good one!

My training grounds lately. That will change in January when I travel to warmer climates.

Had our first snowfall of the year which was EARLY OCTOBER!!! 5-6 inches that morning. Needless to say I was a little shocked to roll outta bed and see the white ground. I'm pretty sure that day was the earliest I have done a double day on the trainer in the off season. XC ski season just around the corner!

I have discovered a delicious brekky which warms my belly everyday as well. It will brighten your spirits and put a little spring your step. A little pumpkin and steel cut oats with a cup o joe! Nothing like pumpkin in October and November.

October is also a sign that hunting season has began. I have gone bird hunting a couple times now and have had some luck. Made some delicious dinners and I love roasted duck!!! Did a little camping with my Dad as well. Talk about some close quarters at night in my two man backpacking tent.

The little guy just motors along all day no matter how tired or sore he looks! He's a machine and has been doing great so far. Trust me, he gets pampered than most humans after hunting.

Now that I have caught up with my photo blog, I can now write up some decent recaps and get to carvin' my pumpkin before it's too late! (This is last years pumpkin. Wonder what this year's will look like?)

Notice my two favorite things...espresso and pumpkin! Just need the bike in the picture!