23 December 2010

PHOTO DIARY | recap of 2010

So I've been a bit MIA with posting updates to my blog as this last year seemed to pass by quite fast. This last season I rode with the Hagens Berman LLP Cycling team and was able to experience a fairly packed racing schedule. Lots of local racing and NRC events were on the calendar. Needless to say I spent quite a bit of time in host housing, airplanes, and rental cars. As you could see in my previous post I spent the beginning of the year becoming well acquainted with my bike in Tucson, Arizona putting in precious endurance miles before the racing began. I stayed in the sun from January through March where I roomed with some other athletes which are also some great friends! I kicked off my season with the Valley of the Sun Stage Race and would continue on with San Dimas and Redlands before heading back to Oregon to hit up the local scene. I also raced in Washington, Arkansas, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania.

Instead of recapping my entire season I figured I would post a photo diary of this past summer's events (with some narrative of course) and start anew with a fresh post.

Our cycling house in Tucson. Good thing we had a decent sized living room!

Training with Mr. Lieto. He likes to sport the compression. Nothing against triathletes or anything...

On my way up the infamous Mount Lemmon. Where's that darn cookie cabin everyone's been talking about!!!???

Aaaand I found it! OY!

Startin' up the season with Valley of the Sun stage race.

Team HB training camp in Agoura Hills. Heeeelloooo Malibu!

San Dimas stage 2 crit

Let the NRC schedule begin! First time doing Redlands which was very tough but a blast.

Then I made my way back to Oregon and Washington. This is where I hit a bit of a wall with motivational issues. Sunny and 70's to cold, wet, and dreary 30's, ugh!

Nothing a little donut can't cure though.

Racing the Cherry Blossom and Mt. Hood stage races in Oregon. Some great racing in the gorge!

Not to shabby. Capped off Hood with a team GC overall win!

The beginning of the longer trips. Here we are in Arkansas having our team discussion about Joe Martin

We also make some great friends along the way! Hey Zeke - high five!

In between NRC races I made sure to keep up the intensity with some local racing around Bend. Lots of attacking and making the breaks in these races.

Then it was back to Minnesota for the Nature Valley Grand Prix. First time being in a race that was canceled due to tornado warnings.

Then it was time for Nationals! Just so happened to be right in my backyard the past two years. This time around I was in the break for the first 4 laps!

Next up on the schedule was probably the toughest race yet. The Tour of Utah. Lots and lots of going uphill with a little altitude thrown in.

Last race of the season. Univest Grand Prix in Pennsylvania. Super fun race and I really enjoyed racing against the Euro guys again! Also, experienced my first tasting of Shoo Fly Pie! Yeah, I didn't know what it was either.

If you haven't noticed, I've had a knack of capping off every hard race with a little treat. This was my end of season treat. A box of Voodoo Donuts with Taylor Kneuven! YUUUM! If you need a recommendation for my favorite it would be the memphis mafia fritter then next in line would be the old dirty bastard.

After finishing up the season, I was able to spend some more time with family and friends. It's typically that time of year where bird hunting season begins. This year, I made my way up to Montana with my Dad and friends.

For my birthday gift this year, my sisters took me to a Beaver game! Yeah BEAVS! I was super excited to be back at my Alma Mater and missed the roar of the stadium.

Then I did a bit more bird hunting in Eastern Oregon. Chukar hunting makes for some good cross training. Lots of elevation change!

Well, that is about as quick of a recap as I could do to catch up on the blog. It will be a great year as I have some awesome support for 2011 and have some goals to accomplish! Stay tuned as a fresh post will be up soon!