11 February 2011


Just because the training plan calls for long hours in the saddle doesn’t mean you can’t take in the sights a bit when out on the road. I have become a bit more familiar with the lay of the land, around San Diego, and decided to play tourist and take a few snap shots. Obviously, there is an abundance of coast line that I have ridden along cruising through Encinitas, Carlsbad, Oceanside, and up through Camp Pendleton. There are always the morning surfers taking advantage of the consistent nice morning swell. Surfboards under arm, wetsuit clad individuals are always scurrying across the historic 101. You learn to keep your eyes peeled as you make your way along the rows of parked surf rigs and anxious surfers.

One of the sites I have included in the lineup is the Top Gun house located in the Oceanside area. There is a definite Top Gun theme around here as I ride by Miramar Air Force base on a regular basis as well. You can’t help but play the Top Gun Anthem in your head as the occasional jet roars overhead. The house is a little worse for wear as it has experienced some major aging. The majority of tourists walking by probably don’t realize the house was featured in the classic mid 80’s film as it is boarded and fenced off from the public.

Another place I need to visit and inquire about is Le Passage. It is a quaint French restaurant located in central Carlsbad. I rode up to the store front but realized I was a bit under dressed even to purchase a dessert crepe. My main goal before leaving is to determine how they came up with the name and what it means. Perhaps, gain a little insight into my last name or the origins.

I’m sure I will have plenty more photos and special photo stops during my time here. But those are the main two I just had to share.