13 May 2008

Recovery Time!

I think it is about time for some rest…The past two kermesses started off well but would conclude with blown legs. The kermesses in Wielsbeke and Beselare shared similar characteristics with me attempting to go with breaks in the first laps of the race and counterattacking when the gaps were closed down by the peloton. My legs felt good at the beginning of both races but would eventually pop leaving me sucking the last rider’s wheel trying to recover and avoid being stuck in the back of the inevitable split in the main field. I think my allergies are also beginning to act up a bit as the grasses have begun to pollinate. So now I think the important thing is to recover and rest fully in order to get off the path of overtraining. Though, I am not overtrained, I can tell I need to let the legs recuperate a bit from the punishment I have given them. Time to rest, take a couple naps, stretch, and revitalize the mind and body!