23 November 2008

The Routine...

The last couple of weeks I have been adjusting to the new schedule since I just recently got a job at Altrec.com. The routine was set pretty fast with waking up at 6, getting ready for work and eating, working 8-5 in Redmond, commuting home, riding the trainer for an hour or two, eating dinner, sleep, and start all over again. Although, I am able to get in my 3-4 hour days outside on the weekends which, lately, have been gorgeous. I am missing the snow a bit but I sure don’t mind getting outside far away from the revving sound of my trainer. Rides have consisted of doing some tempo, step interval, and cruise interval type stuff trying to work on pushing my threshold curve out. It seems to be working because lately my legs have been feeling pretty good. So that’s basically been my life for the past month of training and working. Nothing too exciting but hopefully that will change once the race season rolls around.